Pony Club Rallies

New Forest Hunts-Dismounted badge day

New Forest Hunts

17th February 2025
New Forest Hunts-Dismounted badge day image

New Forest Hunts-Dismounted badge day is being organised by New Forest Hunts Pony Club and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Rally

Come along and learn new skills and put into practice your practical stable management skills whilst earning 2 badges

Open to all members 5yrs and up.

Ideal rally for those aiming for the quiz or horse & pony care competitions.

Mini/Achievement Bandages and rugs and Mini/Achievement Yard safety

Useful Dates & Times
Event Date: 17/02/2025 10:00
Booking Closes: 17/02/2025 18:00
Withdrawal Date: 09/02/2025
Event Contacts
New Forest Hunts Pony Club
No calls after 8pm
Rally Contact
NFHPC dismounted badge day
£20.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Bandages & Rugs and Yard safety

Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 09/02/2025

Full refund up until withdrawal date, after withdrawal date refund only if replaced from the wait list.

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees

After the closing date please contact the event Organiser newforest@pcuk.org to make any changes

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser newforest@pcuk.org

Whittenpond Paddocks
Longmead Road
BH24 4BY
Login to see distance
Terms and Conditions

Liability: Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis.

Health and Safety: Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the Health and Safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all the officials and stewards.