Wickstead Arena Eventing 14th Jan

Wickstead Arena Eventing 14th Jan is being organised by Hannah Goddard and the booking agent is Equine Bookings
Event Date: | 14/01/2024 09:00 |
Booking Closes: | 11/01/2024 23:55 |
Withdrawal Date: | 11/01/2024 |
Times Issued: |
12/01/2024 (not before 6pm)
(On Horse Events Website) |
Course Walking: | 14/01/2024 09:45 - 14/10/2023 00:00 |
Please note medical cover is included in the cost of entry for this event.
Arena Eventing
Same Horse and Rider Combination
Arena Eventing
Same Horse and Rider Combination
Arena Eventing
Same Horse and Rider Combination
Arena Eventing
Withdrawal Date: 11/01/2024
No Refunds after the withdrawal date for whatever reason. Before this date full refunds to be given.
In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded per class minus an admin fee of [admin-fee] (Booking fees are non refundable)
After the closing date please contact the event Organiser info@wicksteadhorseplay.co.uk to make any changes
Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser info@wicksteadhorseplay.co.uk
Closest to bogey time and lowest score wins. Consists of a course of 7-9 Show jumps 4 penalties for each pole down, 4 penalties for 1st refusal, 8 for 2nd refusal, E for 3rd at same fence or crossing of tracks. Straight in to 8-12 various XC type fences 20 penalties for first refusal, 40 for 2nd, E after 3rd refusal at the same fence. 5 penalties for any obstacle knocked down. 3 accumulative refusals on course = Elimination Fall or horse or rider = Elimination All other rules as per BE Eventing rules and below*.
You will need to Print your own numbers and provide your own number bib There is a link on the top of the horse events page to help you if required.
Prizes in kind – Gift Vouchers and certificates will be awarded to 3rd place (1:4 ratio of competitors for prizes in every class up to 3rd place).
There will be catering onsite, if for any reason there will be no caterer we will inform via social media. All rubbish to be taken home and disposed of. We recommend bringing your own sanitiser, towels, or wipes. We will provide some for the toilet, but cannot guarantee they will not run out. Wash / sanitise your hands regularly and especially after touching something that has been touched by other people.
This show is a qualifier for The Sunshine Tour Championships held at The All-England Showground, Hickstead from Thursday 12th – Sunday 15th September 2024. The Championships are for unaffiliated and amateur competitors in Eventer’s Challenge from 50cm through to 90cm.
Qualification: Eventers Challenge 1st – 4th place. Qualification does not pass down the line. Visit www.sunshinetour.co.uk for more information, to register and submit evidence of results. Registration must be completed within 1 month of qualification (sooner for late July shows). Restrictions apply to horse and competitor’s previous winnings and amateur status, please check the website www.sunshinetour.co.uk for Terms & Conditions.
1. The judge’s decision is final. 2. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse an entry, restrict entries and make alterations to entries if they deem necessary. 3. Arena Eventing will run under BE Rules. 4. Any person falling must see the medic before leaving the venue or re mounting. 5. Hats with no fixed peak and body protectors must be worn– Hats should be of the current British Standard Riding Hats conforming to All PAS 015, VG1 – provided they are BSI Kitemarked, European – VG1 – provided they are BSI Kitemarked American –All SEI ASTM F1163 04a onwards and SNELL E2001 Australian & New Zealand – AS/NZS 3838 2006 onwards. 6. Competition clothing should be worn at all times when mounted. 7. Age of Competitor: Must be over 7 years of age on the date of competition. 8. Refunds, less admin fee, will be given if withdrawn before the closing date. NO REFUNDS AFTER CLOSE OF ENTRIES, for any reason. 9. Face jewellery other than a stud is not permitted, studs are worn at the riders risk and are not recommended. 10. DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON A LEAD AT ALL TIMES. Please clean up after your dog. 11. In the event of cancellation due to circumstances beyond our control £7.50 per competitor will be withheld to cover costs. 12. Please clear all droppings/hay/litter from Wickstead Farm. No mucking out of lorries/ trailers. 13. At Wickstead during the winter months our parking is limited. Absolutely no tying up outside of your horse box is permitted at any time. 14. Please park where instructed. 15. All horses must be vaccinated We work on an annual basis. There must be 6 clear days between any vaccination injection given and the date of the event. There will be spot passport checks on entry.
All horses must be vaccinated We work on an annual basis. There must be 6 clear days between any vaccination injection given and the date of the event. There will be spot passport checks on entry.
Health & Safety – The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers, officials and stewards.
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY – Legal liability; Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the organisers or anyone for whom they are, in law, responsible neither the organisers, Wickstead HorsePlay, any agent, employee or representative of these bodies nor Wickstead Farm Equestrian Centre and its representatives accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories or any other person or property