
Waveney Harriers Pony Club Arena Eventing

Waveney Harriers

20th January 2024
Waveney Harriers Pony Club Arena Eventing image

Waveney Harriers Pony Club Arena Eventing is being organised by Waveney Harriers Pony Club and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Event

Barrier Animal Health Spring Festival Area 8 Arena Eventing Qualifying Competition For Arena Eventing Spring Festival 24th-25th February 2024

Branches please email Teams to

Useful Dates & Times
Event Date: 20/01/2024 08:30
Booking Closes: 13/01/2024 00:00
Withdrawal Date: 13/01/2024
Times Issued: 18/01/2024 (not before 6pm)
(On Pony Club Results Website)
Course Walking: 20/01/2024 08:00 - 20/01/2024 08:20
Medical Cover

Please note medical cover is included in the cost of entry for this event.

Event Contacts
Waveney Harriers Pony Club
No calls before 8am or after 7pm
Class 1: 50cm
£20.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Non Qualifier, Individual only 50cm Read More…

Open to all members
Kindly sponsored by Thorington Theatre

Class 2: 60cm
£20.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Non Qualifier, Individual only 60cm Read More…

Open to all members
Kindly sponsored by Ryder-Davies & Partners Veterinary Practice

Class 3: 70cm
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Qualifier 70cm Read More…

Open to all members 14 and under as at 1st Jan 2023
Kindly sponsored by G Engineering

Class 4: 80cm
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Qualifier 80cm Read More…

Open to all members
Kindly sponsored by Ryder-Davies & Partners Veterinary Practice

Class 5: 90cm
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Qualifier 90cm Read More…

Open to all members
Kindly sponsored by Judy Haythornthwaite & Rebecca Regis Property Search

Class 6: 100cm
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Qualifier 100cm Read More…

Open to all members
Kindly sponsored by EH Haylage

Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 13/01/2024

Full refund up until withdrawal date, after withdrawal date refund only with a Doctors or Vets certificate produced no later than 24 hours after the event.If produced after this no refunds will be given. A £5 admin fee would be charged on all refunds after withdrawal

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel 50% of your entry fee will be refunded, minus any Booking fees.

After the closing date if allowed please make any additional changes via your horse events account. If you unable to please contact Horse Events Direct There may be a fee associated with making changes to your entry.

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. After the closing date if allowed please make any additional changes via your horse events account. If you unable to please contact Horse Events direct via our Contact Page

Easton College
Login to see distance

Indicated location on map and directions are based on post code so may not be accurate.

Entry information

ENTRIES All entries should be made online using Entry Fee Class 1 and 2 £20 Classes 3-6 £25 All entries are Subject to a non-refundable booking fee as stated online on a per class basis If you would like to edit your horse or rider details before the closing date of the event please login to your Horse Events account and edit your booking under the ‘MY BOOKING’ Tab If you would like to change the class please email and if there is space available we will do this for you. For all changes of horse and rider substitutions after the closing date there is a £5 charge please fill out the following form online at:

Entry Conditions

To be run in accordance with Pony Club Arena Eventing rules 2024 bahsf-arena-eventing-rules-engwal-2024.pdf ( Please ensure your members comply with 2024 eligibility, hat tagging & body protector. A responsible adult must be present Please print your own Paper Number. Late entries may be accepted at the organiser’s discretion. Late Entry Surcharge £5 Queries may only be raised via the Secretary by the DC or their appointee. Protests/objections will be managed as per Rule 5 Passing Down The Line – In the event of a competitor being placed in a qualifying position when they have already qualified for the Area Competition the place may pass down the line provided that the next placed combination has jumped a clear round in the first round Saddlery and Dress – XC compliant kit and saddlery should be worn. The PC saddlery and dress rules apply at all Area and Championship competitions Photographic Rights – competitors and their parents/guardians have given permission for any photographic and/or film or TV footage taken of persons or horses/ponies taking part in Pony Club events to be used and published in any media whatsoever for editorial purposes, press information or advertising by or on behalf of the Pony Club and/or Official Sponsors of the Pony Club A valid passport and vaccination record must accompany the horse/pony to this event and must be available for inspection if required by event officials. Vaccinations must be in accordance with the Pony Club Eventing Rule Book 2023/PC Vaccination rule 2023. Horses/Ponies must be aged 5 years old and over. Stop Watches are not permitted. The winner will be the competitor with the lowest number of penalties. In the event of a tie the winner will be the one closest to the optimum time


Open to all Members of The Pony Club. Riders cannot compete in more than two classes per day. Horses/ponies cannot compete more than once in each class or in more than two classes on the day. Competitors may qualify a maximum of two horses and/or ponies for any one Championship Class. Riders/horses/ponies and/or a combination of horse and rider can qualify for more than one Championship Class. 70cm class – Riders in this class must be aged 14 years and under on 1st January 2023, even if the Area competition is in 2024.

Team information

Points shall be awarded to each team competitor depending on their placing (1st =1 point, 2nd = 2 points etc.) relative only to other team competitors in that class and not on their overall placing in that class. Any competitors riding as an individual in the same class as team competitors should not be given points. The points for the three best-placed team members shall be added together to give the team score. The winning team will be the team with the least points. If there is a tie for team qualifying places both teams will qualify


Saddlery and Dress – XC compliant kit and saddlery should be worn. The PC saddlery and dress rules apply at all Area and Championship competitions

On site Facilities

Cafe & Toilets

Prizes & Prize Giving

Individual rosettes to 6th place in all classes Team rosettes to 6th place Prize for highest placed Waveney Harriers PC member in each class, kindly donated by Midspirit Equestrian Prize to the individual winner of each class, kindly donated by Persimmon Homes Dismounted prize givings, times will be announced on the day


On hardstanding, please park sensibly, limited space

Photographic Rights

Competitors and their parents/guardians have given permission for any photographic and/or film or TV footage taken of persons or horses/ponies taking part in Pony Club events to be used and published in any media whatsoever for editorial purposes, press information or advertising by or on behalf of the Pony Club and/or Official Sponsors of the Pony Club

Vaccination Policy

A valid passport and vaccination record must accompany the horse/pony to this event and must be available for inspection if required by event officials. Vaccinations must be in accordance with the Pony Club Eventing Rule Book 2023/PC Vaccination rule 2023.


Classes 3 – 6 are Qualifiers for the Barrier Animal Health Spring Festival

Terms and Conditions

Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all the officials and stewards. Competitors who are not members of The Pony Club are not covered by The Pony Club insurance and must have their own third party cover. The Waveney Harriers Branch of The Pony Club and the organisers of this event are not legally responsible for non Members and their insurance will not cover you.

Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis.

Event Sponsors