
The South Tetcott Dressage, Showjumping & Cross Country 3 Phase Fun Day

4th May 2025
Southcott XC , Winkleigh , EX19 8LF (Login to see distance)
The South Tetcott Dressage, Showjumping & Cross Country 3 Phase Fun Day image
Event Actions

The South Tetcott Dressage, Showjumping & Cross Country 3 Phase Fun Day is being organised by South Tetcott Hunt and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Event

 Suitable for first timers. Competitors can enter any or all phases. Lots of options for any level of experience.

Entries for individual dressage, showjumping and cross country will be with each appropriate ticket.

Entries for 3 phases with whichever combination you choose, please just keep looking for the right option.

Useful Dates & Times
Event Date: 04/05/2025 08:30
Booking Closes: 28/04/2025 20:00
Withdrawal Date: 28/04/2025
Times Issued: 02/05/2025 (not before 6pm)
(On Eventing Scores Website)
Course Walking: 03/05/2025 14:00 - 04/05/2024 14:00
Medical Cover

Please note medical cover for this event is charged at a per rider/horse combination and will be added automatically.

The cost is £3.00 per combination.

Event Contacts
South Tetcott Hunt
No calls after 7pm
1. Dressage Class A
£18.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Pony Club Walk & Trot Dressage Test 2022

Not opened Yet
2. Dressage Class B
£18.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022

Not opened Yet
3. Class C
£18.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A

Not opened Yet
4. Dressage Class D
£18.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B

Not opened Yet
5. Show-jumping Class 1
£16.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Showjumping 0.40m - 0.50m Read More…

One timed round only. No jump off.

Not opened Yet
6. Showjumping Class 2
£16.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Showjumping 0.55m - 0.60m Read More…

Single timed round, no jump off.

Not opened Yet
7. Showjumping Class 3
£16.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
0.65m - 0.70m Read More…

Single timed round, no jump off.

Not opened Yet
8. Showjumping Class 4
£16.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Showjumping 0.70m - 0.75m Read More…

One timed round only, no jump off.

Not opened Yet
9. Showjumping Class 5
£16.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Showjumping 0.75m - 0.85m Read More…

Single timed round only, no jump off.

Not opened Yet
10. Showjumping Class 6
£16.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Showjumping 0.85m - 0.90m Read More…

Single timed round only, no jump off.

Not opened Yet
11. SXC (short)
£16.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Cross country over a shortened course, height 0.30m - 0.40m Read More…

Using first 2 fields of XC course only. Not judged or timed but stewards placed around the course for safety reasons.

Not opened Yet
12. LXC (long)
£24.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Cross country over the main course Read More…

The cross country course will be flagged all day, heights 0.55m – 1.00m. The course will not be timed or judged but stewards will be placed around the course to ensure the safety of competitors. Competitors can choose any height at any fence but please move on after 3 refusals. Anyone considered to be riding in a manner likely to endanger themselves or other competitors will be asked to leave the course at a walk.

Not opened Yet
13. Dr cl A. SJ cl 1. SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dressage cl A, sj cl 1, SXC Read More…

Dressage class A( PC Walk & Trot 2022), Sj Class 1 (0,40m – 0.5m), SXC (xc over short course, fences 30 – 40cm, not timed, stewards present for safety reasons).

Not opened Yet
14. Dr cl A, SJ cl 1, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 Phase -Dr cl A, sj cl 1, LXC Read More…

Dressage – Class (PC Walk & Trot Dressage Test 2022) sj class 1 (0.4m – 0.5m), LXC(cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55m to 1.00m over any fence. Stewards present, course not timed).

Not opened Yet
15. Dr cl A, SJ cl 2, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr cl A, sj cl 2, SXC Read More…

Dr class A (Pony Club Walk &Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 2(0.55m – 0.60m) SXC (cross country over short course, 30 – 40cm, not timed. Stewards present for safety)

Not opened Yet
16. Dr cl A, sj cl 2, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr. Class A, sj class 2, LXC Read More…

Dr cl A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 2 (0.55m – 0.60m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55m to 1.00m – over any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety reasons)

Not opened Yet
17. Dr cl A, sj cl 3, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 3, SXC Read More…

Dressage class A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 3 (0.65m – 0.70m) SXC (Cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cms. Not timed, stewards present for safety)

Not opened Yet
19. Dr cl A, sj cl 3, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 3, LXC Read More…

Dressage – Class A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 3 (0.65m – 0.70m), LXC (Cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
20. Dr cl A, sj cl 4, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 4, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 4 (0.70m – 0.75m), SXC ( cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
21. Dr cl A, sj cl 4 LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 4, LXC Read More…

Dressage – class A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 4 (0.70m – 0.75m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed. Stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
22. Dr cl A, sj cl 5, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 5, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 5 (0.75m – 0.85m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
23. Dr cl A, sj cl 5, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 5, LXC Read More…

Dressage class A, ( Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 5 (0.75m – 0.85m), LXC ( cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00cm – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
24. Dr cl A, sj cl 6, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 6, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 6 (0.85m – 0.90m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
25. Dr cl A, sj cl 6, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class A, sj class 6, LXC Read More…

Dressage – class A (Pony Club Walk Trot Dressage Test 2022), sj class 6 (0.85m – 0.90m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
26. Dr cl B, sj cl 1, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 1, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class B ( Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 1 (0.40m – 0.50m), SXC( cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
27. Dr cl B, sj cl1, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 1, LXC Read More…

Dressage class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 1 (0.40m – 0.50m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m -at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
28. Dr cl B, sj cl 2, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 2, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 2 (0.55m – 0.60m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
29. Dr cl B, sj cl 2, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 2, LXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 2 (0.55m – 0.60m), LXC ( cross country over the long course; jump any height- 0.55 to 1.00m at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
30. Dr cl B, sj cl 3, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, SK class 3, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 3 (0.65m – 0.70m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
31. Dr cl B, sj cl 3, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 3, LXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 3, (0.65m – 0.70m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height- 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
32. Dr cl B, sj cl 4, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 4, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 4 (0.70m – O.75m), SXC (cross country ó
over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
33.Dr cl B, sj cl 4, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 4, LXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 4 (0.70m – 0.75m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55m to 1.00m at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
34. Dr cl B, sj cl 5, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 5, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 5 (0.75m – 0.85m), SXC ( cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
35. Dr cl B, sj cl 5, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 5, LXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 5 (0.75m – 0.85m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55m to 1.00m – at any fence. Not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
36. Dr cl B, sj cl 6, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 6, SXC Read More…

Dressage – class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 6 (0.85m – 0.90m), SXC (cross country over the short course, 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
37. Dr cl B, sj cl 6, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class B, sj class 6, LXC Read More…

Dressage class B (Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022), sj class 6 (0.85m – 0.90m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55m to 1.00m over any fence. Not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
38. Dr cl C, sj cl 1, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 1, SXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 1 (0.40m – 0.5m), SXC (cross country over the short course 30 – 40cm, course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
40. Dr cl C, sj cl 1, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 1, LXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 1 (0.40m – 0.50m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55m to 1.00m – at any fence. Not timed, stewards present for safety)

Not opened Yet
41. Dr cl C, sj cl 2, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 2, SXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 2 (0.55m – 0.60m),SXC (cross country over the short course, 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
42. Dr cl C, sj cl 2, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 2, LXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 2 ( 0.55m – 0.60m), LXC ( cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55m to 1.00m – over any fence. Not timed, stewards present for safety)

Not opened Yet
43. Dr cl C, sj cl 3, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 3, SXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 3 (0.65m – 0.70m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
44. Dr cl C, sj cl 3, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 3, LXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 3 (0.65 – 0.70m), LXC (cross country over the long course; jump any height – 0.55;to 1.00m – at and fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
45. Dr cl C, sj cl 4, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 4, SXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 4 (0.70m – 0.75m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
46. Dr cl C, sj cl 4, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 4, LXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 4 (0.70m – 0.75m), LXC (cross country over the long course,, jump any height -0.55m to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
47. Dr cl C, sj cl 5, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 5, SXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 5 (0.75m – 0.85m) SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
48. Dr cl C, sj cl 5, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 5, LXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 5 (0.75 – 0.85m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
49. Dr cl C, sj cl 6, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 6, SXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 6 (0.85 – 0.90m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
50. Dr cl C, sj cl 6, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class C, sj class 6, LXC Read More…

Dressage class C (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 80 Dressage Test A), sj class 6 (0.85 – 0.90m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
51. Dr cl D, sj cl 1, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 1, SXC Read More…

Dressage class D(Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage B), sj class 1 (0.40 – 0.50m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
52. Dr cl D , sj cl 1, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 1, LXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 1 (0.40 – 0.50m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
53. Dr cl D, sj cl 2, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 2, SXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 2 (0.55 – 0.60m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 -40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
54. Dr cl D, sj cl 2, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 2, LXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 2 (0.55 – 0.60m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
55. Dr cl D, sj cl 3, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 3, SXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 3 (0.65 – 0.70m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
56. Dr cl D, sj cl 3, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 3, LXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 3 (0.65 – 0.70m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
57. Dr cl D, sj cl 4, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 4, SXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 4 (0.70 – 0.75m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm, Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
58. Dr cl D, sj cl 4, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 4, LXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 4 (0.70 – 0.75m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
59. Dr cl D, sj cl 5, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj cl 5, SXC Read More…

Dressage class D(Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 5 (0.75 – 0.85m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
60. Dr cl D, sj cl 5, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 5, LXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 5 (0.75 – 0.85m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m – at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
61. Dr cl D, sj cl 6, SXC
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 6, SXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 6 (0.85 – 0.90m), SXC (cross country over the short course, fences 30 – 40cm. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
62. Dr cl D, sj cl 6, LXC
£52.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
3 phases - Dr class D, sj class 6, LXC Read More…

Dressage class D (Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing 90 Dressage Test B), sj class 6 (0.85 – 0.90m), LXC (cross country over the long course, jump any height – 0.55 to 1.00m at any fence. Course not timed, stewards present for safety).

Not opened Yet
Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 28/04/2025

Full refund up until withdrawal date, after withdrawal date refund only if replaced from the wait list.

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded per class minus an admin fee of £5.00 (Booking fees are non refundable)

After the closing date please contact the event Organiser to make any changes

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser

Southcott XC
EX19 8LF
Login to see distance

Indicated location on map and directions are based on post code so may not be accurate.

Entry information

Entries : All 3 phases – £52.  (All 3 phases over Short XC course – £45) Dressage – £18.00; SJ – £16.00; XC – £24.00 (Short XC – £18.00)

Competitors may enter more than 1 class in each phase.


Late entry fee (for entries after the closing date) – £5.00 ENTER ONLINE at by MONDAY 28th APRIL at 20.00hrs.

Entries will not be accepted without full fees, and refund of entries will not be given after close of entries but substitutions (in the same class) will be allowed.

Please note * All entries are subject to a non-refundable booking fee as stated online

Competition Format

DRESSAGE – Tests may be called Class A – Pony Club Walk & Trot Dressage Test 2022. Start 9.00 Class B – Pony Club Preliminary PC70 Dressage Test 2022. Start 9.00 Class C – Horse Events Unaff Eventing 80 Dressage Test A. Start 9.30 Class D – Horse Events Unaff Eventing 90 Dressage Test B Start 10.00 Start times approximate   Links to dressage tests at the end of the schedule

SHOW JUMPING 10.00am Start Class 1. 0.40m – 0.50m approx. Class 2. 0.55m – 0.60m approx. Class 3. 0.65m – 0.70m approx.      Class 4.  0.70m – 0.75m approx. Class 5. 0.75m – 0.85m approx. Class 6. 0.85m – 0.90m approx.   Each round will be timed to decide the places in each class. There will NOT be a jump off.  After 3 refusals at any one fence competitors may be permitted to move on to the next, at the discretion of the judge.

There may be a course change during the day.

CROSS COUNTRY   *Shortened course open 11.00am – 11.30am* Shortened course -SXC – around first two fields, height 30 – 40cms *Main Course open from 11.30am* The Cross Country – LXC – will be flagged at all heights (55cm – 100cm approx) throughout the day. Competitors may take a lead from a friend, but must give way to someone who catches them up, and not interfere with anyone else. After 3 attempts at any one fence competitors must move on to the next fence.   LINKS TO DRESSAGE TESTS Pony Club Tests These tests can be found by entering the full title of the test in your search engine.

All Horse Events Dressage Tests These tests can be downloaded free of charge


Times & Number template



Prizes & Prize Giving

Rosettes to 6th place for Dressage and Show jumping. Completion rosettes for XC. Results will be available on



1 Neither the organisers, nor any person acting on their behalf, accept liability for any accident, loss damage or injury or illness to horses, riders, owners, spectators, land vehicles, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever.  The organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present.  For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards.

2 DRESS: Hats must be to the recognised BE standard. Long hair must be tied back and kept clear of the number bib.

3 All competitors are strongly recommended to wear a medical armband and use safety stirrups in all phases.

4 Body protectors are strongly recommended for dressage and showjumping, and compulsory for all competitors for cross country.

5 Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.

6 The organiser reserves the right to refuse any entry and to cancel any class.

7 There will be no jump judges as such on the cross country, but stewards will be in place to see all the fences. Anyone riding dangerously, interfering with other competitors or considered unfit following a fall will not be allowed to continue.

8 Disciplines may be ridden in any order; competitors will need to be aware of the times allocated for their dressage and show jumping and present themselves at the appropriate times.

9 Dressage Classes A and B will be run as one class if less than a total of 12 entries. Competitors will still be able to enter either or both classes. Competitors in Class A may be led but will incur 10 penalties to offset the advantage.

Terms and Conditions

Neither the organisers, nor any person acting on their behalf, accept liability for any accident, loss, damage or injury or illness to horses,riders, owners, spectators, land vehicles, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever. The organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards.