The Silver Spur

The Silver Spur is being organised by Bicester Hunt and the booking agent is Equine Bookings
Event Date: | 26/04/2025 11:00 |
Booking Closes: | 22/04/2025 16:00 |
Withdrawal Date: | 23/04/2025 |
Times Issued: |
26/04/2025 (not before 6pm)
(Emailed to Attendees by Organiser) |
Course Walking: | 25/04/2025 09:00 - 26/04/2025 11:00 |
Please note medical cover is included in the cost of entry for this event.
Set over a course of approximately 2.5 miles including rails, hedges and ditches. Fastest time wins. Please enter your RoR number if eligible and also please note if a non-TB. Please read additional details regarding hats and body protectors.
To book this event you must be logged in
Click the button to login or register for an account:
Set over half of the Silver Spur course aimed at 12-16 year olds. Winner is the one closest to the set bogey time. An adult will accompany the riders around the course. A nice introduction for those who are interested in taking part in Hunt rides. Please read the Additional Details regarding hats and body protectors.
To book this event you must be logged in
Click the button to login or register for an account:
Set over the same course as the Silver Spur with alternative options at certain fences. Winner is one closest to set bogey time. Please enter your RoR number if eligible and note if a non-TB. Please read the Additional Details regarding hats and body protectors.
To book this event you must be logged in
Click the button to login or register for an account:
Withdrawal Date: 23/04/2025
Full refund up until withdrawal date, after withdrawal date refund only if replaced from the wait list.
In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel we will notify all competitors by email. 70% of the entry fee will be refunded in the event of cancellation.
After the closing date please contact the event Organiser to make any changes
Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser
Marston Doles
CV47 7SS
Saturday 26th April 2025
Venue – Barnetts Barn Farm, Marston Doles, Southam, CV47 7SS
- The 2025 Silver Spur will take place over a grass course in the Priors Hardwick area. The course will be in the region of 2.5 miles long with 21 fences over good trail hunting country.
- There will be a section in every fence that is no larger than the average size fence you would encounter on a day’s trail hunting in that area. Therefore, the Silver Spur will be suitable for those who wish to have a pleasant ride across country on a FIT horse, as well as those who wish to compete for prizes.
- Prizes will be awarded in the three separate classes; the Silver Spur, the Foxhunters Ride and the Tom Nichols Cup. Members taking part in the Silver Spur must carry a minimum weight of 11st 7lbs to include their saddle and breastplate but NOT the horse’s bridle or the rider’s hat and body protector. Weighing scales will be available at the Secretary’s tent before the start of the ride.
- The first 5 finishers in the Silver Spur MUST weigh in afterwards with the Secretary.
- Members must enter in the correct class and WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO CHANGE CLASS after entries have closed. The minimum age is 17 years old. Entries must be received by Tuesday 22nd April 2025.
- There will be no refunds after the withdrawal date unless your place is taken by someone on the waiting list. Remittances must accompany entries (otherwise entry will not be valid).
- The Silver Spur and Foxhunters Ride will be limited to 40 members. If the entry list is full, members may only be placed on the waiting list on receipt of entry form, together with the full fee (refundable in full only if withdrawn by 23rd April 2025).
- Numbers for riders will be issued at the Secretary’s tent before the start.
- The Foxhunters Ride – this will take place over the same course as the Silver Spur but will be run under a bogey time set by a BHWC member on a previous day. It will start approximately 30 minutes after the Tom Nichols Cup for the course builders to be able to check and rebuild any fences if necessary. Entries must be made before taking part. There is a minimum age of 16 years and participants must be capable riders.
- The Tom Nichols Cup – this is run over approximately half of the Silver Spur course and is aimed at 12-16 year olds. There will be an adult accompanying them around the course (13 fences) in case of any assistance needed.
- Full details of the course including a map, together with instructions about horse boxes and parking will be emailed about 3 days before the event.
- Members wanting to take part in the Silver Spur are reminded that horses should be fully fit to participate before being entered and may be subject to veterinary inspection. Similarly for the Foxhunters Ride.
- All members taking part in the Silver Spur, the Foxhunters Ride and the Tom Nichols Cup must walk the course before taking part.
- The organisers reserve the right to ask any rider to stop during all three rides if the horse is considered unfit ro continue for any reason.
- Crash hats to current recognised British or European Safety Standards must be worn by all members taking part in the Silver Spur, the Foxhunters Ride and the Tom Nichols Cup. Hats must meet with one of the following standards – British AII PAS 015, VG1 or European VG1 provided they are BSI Kitemarked. Competitors are strongly recommended to check their hats regularly and to replace them if damaged or following a fall. All those mounted at the event (including grooms and helpers) must wear a hat complying with the above standard.
- All competitors must also wear a British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) approved and appropriately labelled 2018 Level 3 Body Protector (blue and black label). Air jackets must be worn with an approved body protector. PLEASE NOTE ALL BODY PROTECTORS AND AIR JACKETS MUST BE BETA 2018 APPROVED.
- Tack carried by the horse should be suitably marked to ensure that loose horses are quickly returned to their owners.
- In the event of cancellation we will notify competitors by email and it will also be posted on social media. 70% of the entry fee will be refunded in the event of cancellation.
- The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any member who, in the opinion of the organisers, has ridden in a dangerous or inconsiderate fashion, or behaved in any manner inappropriate. Their decision is final.
- The prize giving for all three classes will be awarded at approximately 1.00pm.
- The results for the Silver Spur is fastest one round wins, the Foxhunters Ride is a set bogey time and the Tom Nichols Cup is also a set bogey time. Rules 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 apply to those members competing in both the Silver Spur and the Foxhunters Ride.
- The Silver Spur will run at 11.00am, the Tom Nichols Cup will run at 11.45am and the Foxhunter’s Ride will run at 12.15pm. Prize giving will be approximately 1.00pm.
ORGANISER – Jojo McKenzie –
Members participate in the Silver Spur, the Foxhunters Ride and the Tom Nichols Cup entirely at their own risk. Neither the organisers, nor the owners of the land, whose kindness makes this event possible, accept any liability for accidents or injury to members, their horses or their vehicles.