
The Bluebell Summer Farm Ride

11th August 2024
The Bluebell Summer Farm Ride image
Event Actions
Booking closes 09/08/2024 00:00

The Bluebell Summer Farm Ride is being organised by Alice Geaves and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Event

The Bluebell Summer Farm Ride at Southwick Estate, is being hosted again by kind permission of the Thistlethwayte family.

Approximately 10 mile ride in beautiful countryside. Optional jumps and shorter route available.

Advance bookings only.

In support of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Air Ambulance and The Rowans Hospice

Useful Dates & Times
Event Opens: 11/08/2024 09:30
Booking Closes: 09/08/2024 00:00
Withdrawal Date: 04/08/2024
Medical Cover

Please note medical cover is included in the cost of entry for this event.

Event Contacts
Alice Geaves
No calls after 7pm

To book this event you must be logged in

Click the button to login or register for an account:

To book this event you must be logged in

Click the button to login or register for an account:

Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 04/08/2024

Refund minus an admin fee of £10.00 up until Withdrawal date. After the Withdrawal date only refund if replaced from the wait list.

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded per class minus an admin fee of £5.00 (Booking fees are non refundable)

After the closing date please contact the event Secretary to make any changes

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Secretary

Wanstead Farm
PO17 6ER
Login to see distance
Additional Details

Start times – 9.30am till 12.30pm. Adults £30.00 Under 16 years £25.00.

Walkers allowed with Lead Reins only.

No bikes or dogs allowed on the route.

Follow us on Facebook –

Event Directions & additonal details


The lanes around Southwick are very narrow and too tight for lorries/trailers to pass each other. We are going to operate a one-way system to avoid traffic flow problems.

We ask that you approach from the B2150 Denmead direction into Forest Road and follow signage to the ride – /

Please do not approach from any other direction.

We will signpost the exit.

On site Facilities

Paramedic on site

Vet on call – charges will apply

Toilet facilities available

There will be no washing facilities for horses, please bring your own


Photographer –

Please ensure you pick up after your horses and take any rubbish home with you.

Terms and Conditions


Please follow parking directions & ensure you keep a safe distance between vehicles.

Unfortunately, we cannot allow any walkers, dogs or cyclists.

We strongly advise the wearing of back protectors but you may ride without one at your own risk. Hats complying with the current safety standards are compulsory.

Horses & ponies must be at least 4 years old.

Riders take part entirely at their own risk and children under the age of 13, whether riding or not, are the sole responsibility of their parents or carers or responsible adults acting within the agreement of their parents and carers.

All riding participants have a duty of care to all other participants and should report any health & safety concerns to the organisers.

All jumps are optional. If you choose to jump, this is entirely at your own risk. Jumps and road crossings will be attended by stewards. Please comply with any instructions on the day.

Please follow the marked route & do not go on any crops. Polite passing is allowed on the course. You may ride on stubble however be aware there may be flints underfoot.

The Hursley Hambledon Hunt, the Owners of the Property, the Organisers, all Persons and all Organisations involved in this Ride disclaim all liability for damage to person, horse or property that may happen from any cause or circumstance, or for any legal proceedings arising. All Participants and other interested parties are responsible for making their own insurance arrangements.

The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the ride on or before the day for any serious health & safety reasons. In the event of cancellation, the entry fee will be refunded less a £5.00 admin fee.

By entering the ride, you agree to comply with these conditions of entry.

Emergency phone on the day only: 07711 118493/07889 598404

Event Sponsors