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South Pool Pony Club Area Tetrathlon 2025
South Pool

Event Actions
South Pool Pony Club Area Tetrathlon 2025 is being organised by South Pool Pony Club and the booking agent is Equine Bookings
Useful Dates & Times
Event Date: | 21/06/2025 09:00 |
Booking Closes: | 08/06/2025 23:59 |
Withdrawal Date: | 08/06/2025 |
Times Issued: |
19/06/2025 (not before 6pm)
(On Pony Club Results Website) |
Course Walking: | 21/06/2025 14:00 - 23/06/2025 08:00 |
Medical Cover
Please note medical cover is included in the cost of entry for this event.
Event Contacts
If you are a team manager and need team manager permissions adding to your account please request an account upgrade to grant you access to view and manage your team entries.
Request PermissionsBooking
Class 1
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Open Boys (Qualifying Class) Read More…
Open Boys 25 & under 10m turning targets 3000m Run 4mins Swim 1.00m Ride
Class 2
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Open Girls (Qualifying Class) Read More…
Open Girls 25 & under 10m turning targets 1500m Run 3mins Swim 1.00m Ride
Class 3
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Intermediate Boys (Qualifying Class) Read More…
Intermediate Boys 25 & under 10m turning targets 2000m Run 3mins Swim 1.00m Ride
Class 4
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Intermediate Girls (Qualifying Class) Read More…
Intermediate Girls 25 & under 10m turning targets 1500 Run 3mins Swim 1.00m Ride
Class 5
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Junior Boys (Qualifying Class) Read More…
14 & under 7m turning targets 1500 Run 3mins Swim 0.90m Ride
Class 6
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Junior Girls (Qualifying Class) Read More…
14 & under 7m turning targets 1500 Run 3mins Swim 0.90m Ride
Class 7
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Minimus Boys (Non Qualifying) Read More…
Minimus Boys 11 & under 7m turning targets 1000 Run 2mins Swim 0.80m Ride
Class 8
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Minimus Girls (Non Qualifying) Read More…
Minimus Girls 11 & under 7m turning targets 1000m Run 2mins Swim 0.80m Ride
Class 9
£55.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Novice Minis (Non Qualifying) Read More…
Novice Minis 11 & under 7 m static targets 1000m Run 2 mins Swim 0.70m Ride
Class 10
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Mixed Tadpoles (Non Qualifying) Read More…
Mixed Tadpoles 9 & Under 7m static Targets 1000m Run 2 mins Swim 0.60m Ride
Class 11
£45.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Mixed Beanies (Non Qualifying) Read More…
11. Mixed Beanies 8 and under Bean bag throwing 500m Run 2 mins Swim 0.45m Ride
Beanies may be led/assisted with penalties. 200 for led, 100 for assisted
CLass 12 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Open Boys Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Open Boys Triathlon 25 & under 10m turning targets 3000n Run 4mins Swim
Class 13 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Open Girls Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Open Girls Triathlon 25 & under 10m turning targets 1500m Run 3mins Swim
Class 14 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Intermediate Boys Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Intermediate Boys Triathlon 25 & under 10m turning targets 2000m Run 3mins Swim
Class 15 - TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Intermediate Girls Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Intermediate Girls Triathlon 25 & under 10m turning targets 1500m Run 3mins Swim
Class 16 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Junior Boys Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Junior Boys Triathlon 14 & under 7m turning targets 1500m Run 3mins Swim
Class 17 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Junior Girls Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Junior Girls Triathlon 14 & under 7m turning targets 1500m Run 3mins Swim
Class 18 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Minimus Boys Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Minimus Boys Triathlon 11 & under 7m turning targets 1000m Run 2mins Swim
Class 19- TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Minimus Girls Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Minimus Girls Triathlon 11 & under 7m turning targets 1000m Run 2mins Swim
Class 20 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Novice Minis Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Novice Minis Triathlon 11 & under 7 m static targets 1000m Run 2 mins Swim
Class 21 -TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Mixed Tadpoles Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Mixed Tadpoles Triathlon 9 & Under 7m static Targets 1000m Run 2 mins Swim
Class 22- TRI
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Mixed Beanies Triathlon (NQ) Read More…
Mixed Beanies Triathlon 8 and under Bean bag throwing 500m Run 2 mins Swim
Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes
Withdrawal Date: 08/06/2025
No Refunds after the withdrawal date for whatever reason. Before this date full refunds to be given.
In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees
After the closing date please contact the event Organiser to make any changes
Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser
Times & Number template
Times will be published on Ponyclub results and sent in a spread sheet- after 18:00 on the 19th June.
There will be a link to print number on the PC results site- please do use this and make sure all numbers are clear to read…. hand drawn with pen is often not visible and smaller number bibs may not be readable. If your number cannot be read this may affect your results and is your responsibility.
On site Facilities
Refreshments Only tea, coffee and cake will be available on Saturday 21 June. Full refreshments will be available from Fern on Sunday 22 June.
Photography by Jay Photos
Dogs to be kept on a lead at all times.
Please bring water supplies.
Overnight stabling & camping can be arranged, email
Entry information
Steppingstones Minimus Regional Team Competition
This competition with arena jumping will take place at the Championships. This event is not a qualifier as teams will be selected by invitation of the area chair. However good performance – especially in the ride phase – at this and other Tetrathlons will be noted.
Rosettes: Branch Teams to Sixth in each Class
Individuals to Sixth in each Class
Best Shoot, Swim, Run and Clear Ride in each Class
Teams of 3 or 4 (3 to count) may be entered as follows:
- Branch Teams (classes 1 – 6) from one class only. Qualifier
- Branch Mixed Sex Teams from one level only from classes 1-6. Qualifier ie Classes 1&2, 3&4, 5&6
- Mixed Branch teams from any class.
- Classes 1 – 6 will incorporate the qualifying competition for area 15 and 16 for the Pony Club National Tetrathlon Championships. The winning team and first two competitors not in a winning team in each area will qualify. See 2025 rulebook for more details.
- Options for novice competitors. All the cross country courses will have a generous number of L options. Classes 1 to 10 will have the option to ride the smaller course incurring a 400 penalty. Beanies will be over a very small 45 course and may be assisted, but will incur 200 point penaty, or led for 200 point penalty. Tadpoles will be over a shortened course.
This Competition will run in accordance with the rules of the 2025 Pony Club Tetrathlon Rule Book.
All classes are open to all members of the Pony Club including those outside areas. Not open to non-Pony Club members.
There will be a Triathlon option in all classes.
Buoyancy aids will only be allowed for Beanies in the swimming
Outside lane can not be guaranteed
Each Branch entering is asked to cover the judging of a fence on the Riding day. Please could team managers email these to by 8 June 2025
Hunter Trial
The Tetrathlon ride will be followed by a hunter trial. Separate schedule to follow.
Prizes & Prize Giving
Prize giving will be held after the Tri at Totnes Pavilion and then for the tetrathlon at the end of the competition at Cuttery.
Rosettes: Branch Teams to Sixth in each Class
Individuals to Sixth in each Class
Best Shoot, Swim, Run and Clear Ride in each Class
Entry information
ENTRY FEE: Tetrathlon £55
Tetrathlon classes 10 and 11 £45
Triathlon only £25
Entries via Horse Events
Closing date for entries: Sunday 8th June 2025 24.00
Enquiries to: Vicki Rogers Email.
Additional Details
Times will be forwarded to team managers and also be on Pony Club Results: on Thursday 19 June 2025. We will be using this website for further information, times and results on the day.
Withdrawals & refunds
Full refunds will be given up to the closing date of the competition. After the closing date no refunds will be made without a Doctor’s or Vet’s certificate produced no later than 24hrs after the event. If produced after this no refund will be given. Refunds where due after the closing date are subject to an admin fee of £10.
In the event of abandonment the entry fee will be refunded less a £5 admin fee.
Entry Conditions
- All classes are open to all members of the Pony Club including those outside areas. Not open to non-Pony Club members.
- Classes 1 – 6 will incorporate the qualifying competition for area 15 and 16 for the Pony Club National Tetrathlon Championships. The winning team and first two competitors not in a winning team in each area will qualify. See 2025 rulebook for more details.
- There will be a Triathlon option in all classes.
- Options for novice competitors. All the cross country courses will have a generous number of L options. Classes 1 to 10 will have the option to ride the smaller course incurring a 400 penalty. Beanies will be over a very small 45 course and may be assisted, but will incur 200 point penaty, or led for 200 point penalty. Tadpoles will be over a shortened course.
- NB Anyone wanting to qualify for the championships must jump their correct height course.
- This Competition will run in accordance with the rules of the 2025 Pony Club Tetrathlon Rule Book.
- The course will be available for walking from 2pm on Saturday 2 1 June 2025.
- Competitors must comply with the Pony Club 2025 hat, body protector, medical armband, stirrups, whip and spur rules. In particular please see new hat standards set out in 2025 rulebook.
- Please provide your own number bibs and print your own numbers. Once times are published there will be an option to do this on the ponyclubresults website. Please make sure that the number is sufficiently large to be legible to judges and stewards at a distance.
- Any unsafe behaviour or behaviour deemed detrimental to a horse or pony’s welfare (e.g. excessive use of the whip or spurs) may at the organisers’ discretion result in the competitor being asked to leave the course.
- Horse sharing between family members may be allowed at the discretion of the organiser and with prior agreement and their DC approval
Tetrathlon & Triathlon additional Venue Details
TRiathlon venue – only tea coffee and cake!
Totnes Leisure Centre
Borough Park Road, Totnes, TQ9 5XW
Tel: 01803 862992
Cuttery Farm
From the A381 Kingsbridge/Totnes road turn into “5 mile lane” at Stanborough, about 1/3 mile on right grass track through metal gate, park at top of field.
Terms and Conditions
Photographic Rights – by entering this competition, competitors and their guardians give permission for any photographic and/or film or TV footage taken of persons taking part this event to be used and published in any media whatsoever for editorial purposes, press information or advertising by or on behalf of The Pony Club and/or official sponsors of The Pony Club
Health & Safety :The Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the Organisers and all the Officials and Stewards.
Legal Liability Save for any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful to exclude liability, neither the Organisers of any event to which these rules apply, nor the Pony Club, nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or tenant of the site, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, vehicles or trailers, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever.