Nithsdale Pony Club Arena Eventing Competition with Spring Festival Qualifiers

Please can all in classes from 70 Spring Festival Qualifier upwards, double check times. Slight adjustment. Thanks
Nithsdale Pony Club Arena Eventing Competition with Spring Festival Qualifiers is being organised by Dawn Murdoch and the booking agent is Equine Bookings
Event Date: | 09/03/2025 09:00 |
Booking Closes: | 07/03/2025 13:30 |
Withdrawal Date: | 05/03/2025 |
Times Issued: |
07/03/2025 (not before 6pm)
(On Pony Club Results Website) |
Course Walking: | 09/03/2025 09:00 - 09/03/2025 18:00 |
Please note medical cover is included in the cost of entry for this event.
Not permitted to enter class 3 or above.
Not to have competed at 50cm before.
Fences approx. 40cm
Height approx. 50cm
Height approx. 60cm
Pony Club Spring Festival 2025. Riders in this class must be 13 years and under on 1st January 2024
Height approx. 70cm
Pony Club Spring Festival 2025
Height approx. 80cm
Pony Club Spring Festival 2025
Height approx. 90cm
Spring Festival Qualifier 2025
Height approx. 1m
Withdrawal Date: 05/03/2025
No Refunds after the withdrawal date for whatever reason. Before this date full refunds to be given.
In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full including any booking fees paid.
After the closing date if allowed please make any additional changes via your horse events account. If you unable to please contact Horse Events Direct
Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. After the closing date if allowed please make any additional changes via your horse events account. If you unable to please contact Horse Events direct via our Contact Page
Entries can be made at
If you would like to edit your booking change class or cancel your entry before the closing date, please login to your Horse Events and edit under “edit entry”
The deadline for entries is Wednesday 5th March. No entries on the day.
No horse or rider change after the closing date.
Lead rein and wibbly wobbly are for true beginners – please do not enter if you have won these classes more than twice. Combination of pony/rider competing in Class 1 are not permitted to compete in classes 3 & above. Combination of pony/rider in Class 2 is not to have competed at 50cm before. Maximum of 2 entries per combination of rider and pony/horse. Horse/pony cannot compete more than once in each class. Horse/pony must be 5 years or older. Classes maybe split junior & senior depending on entries (Junior – 16 years or under) Spring Festival Classes will be before the Open of each height.
Rosettes to 6th place. Prize giving will take after each class.
Times will be posted on on Friday 7th March. All times are approximate and we will do our best to run to time, please keep an eye on our social media. Numbers are not required. Course walks will only take place at the start of each class
The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry. The competition is being run under current Pony Club Arena Eventing Rules 2024. The decision of the judges & stewards in all cases are final. Any objections must be made in writing and handed to the show secretary within 15 minutes of the incident happening with a deposit of £10.00. In the event that the objection is sustained the deposit will be refunded. Use of the whip must be in accordance with the rules laid down in the current Pony Club Arena Eventing Rules. Use of the whip will be monitored by the judge and excessive or inappropriate use may result in elimination. Spurs can only be worn if the rider has a yellow tag on hat. Horses & ponies must be four years or over on the day of the show. No substitution of entries after the closing date. Each round will be timed. There will be an optimum time for each class and time penalties will be added to jumping penaties for the final score. No stop watches permitted. The winner will be the competitor with the fewest penalties. In the event of equality we will use the jumping penalties and then the difference from the Optimum Time to break the tie.
Competitors must be suitably dressed in correct XC riding attire. Body Protectors MUST be worn. Hats & Body Protectors must meet the Safety Standards as detailed in the rulebooks. Hat (no peaks) must be worn and chin straps correctly fastened at all times when mounted. No stop watches are permitted.
Neither the club nor any person acting on its behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to horses, riders, spectators or any property. All non-Pony Club competitors are not covered by The Pony Club insurance and must have their own third party cover. Nithsdale Branch of the Pony Club and the organisers of this event are not legally responsible for non-members & their insurance will not cover you.
Horses/ponies tied up to the trailer/lorries must not be left unattended. Please ensure the area around your trailer/lorry is left clean & tidy. All droppings must be removed. The outdoor arena is not for use as belongs to the riding school and liveries. All dogs must be kept on a short lead.
The organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the Heath & Safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid or prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers & all officials & stewards.
The organisers have the right to refuse entry.
The competition is being run under Pony Club Arena Eventing Rules 2025
Time penalties will be added to jumping penalties
No substitution of entries after closing date
The organisers have the right to alter the programme of events at their discretion.
Spurs can only be worn if yellow sticker on riding hat.
Competitors must be suitably dressed in XC attire. Body protectors must be worn. Hats (with no peaks) & body protectors must meet up to date safety standards.
All non PC members are not covered by the Pony Club Insurance and therefore should have their own third party cover.
Neither the club nor any person acting on its behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident or injury to horse/pony, riders, spectators or property.
Decision of the judges/stewards are final
Any objections must be made in writing & handed to the show secretary within 15minutes of the incident with a £10 deposit.