
Cumberland Farmers Hunt North Pc Open Christmas Show, Open to All

Cumberland Farmers Hunt North

28th December 2024

Cumberland Farmers Hunt North Pc Open Christmas Show, Open to All is being organised by Cumberland Farmers Hunt North Pony Club and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Event

Open Christmas show jumping competition Includes Qualifying rounds for the Barrier Health spring festival in 2025. Clear rounds available for 20/30 cms, classes start at 30cm through to 110cm. Rosettes, Sashes, Christmas prizes all to be won lots of fun to be had additional prizes for best dressed christmas hat christmas tunes will be playing so come and join in the festive fun

Useful Dates & Times
Event Date: 28/12/2024 09:00
Booking Closes: 26/12/2024 09:00
Withdrawal Date: 20/12/2024
Times Issued: 27/12/2024 (not before 6pm)
(On Pony Club Website)
Course Walking: 28/12/2024 08:50 - 28/12/2024 09:12
Event Contacts
Cumberland Farmers Hunt North Pony Club
(Dannii Little)
Clear round
£5.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
20/30cm Read More…

Rosettes for all.

Class one
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
30cm North Pole Lead Rein/Assisted Warm up Read More…

Clear round followed by timed jump off. Rosettes to 4th. Prize for best dressed hat.

Class two
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
40cm- Elves Beginner's Stakes Read More…

Clear round followed by timed jump off. Rosettes to 4th. Prize for best dressed hat.

Class three
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
50cm - Mince Pie Mini Accumulator with Joker Read More…

One round timed, each jump worth its number in points and joker worth 20 points if jumped clear. 20 points lost if joker knocked down. Rosettes to 4th. Prize for best dressed hat.

Class four
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
60cm- Rudolph's Novice Power and Speed Read More…

One round against the clock. Rosettes to 4th. Prize for best dressed hat.

Class five
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
70cm- Christmas Pudding Warm Up Stakes Read More…

Clear round followed by timed jump off. Rosettes to 4th. Prize for best dressed hat.

Class six
£14.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
PC80 Barrier Health Spring Festival Qualifier- individuals and teams Read More…

Clear round followed by jump off, pony club qualifying places depends on entries. Team names must be submitted by closing date by email from DC or team manager to secretary.

Class seven
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
85cm - Snowball Blitz Accumlator with joker Read More…

One round timed, each jump worth its number in points and joker worth 20 points if jumped clear, 20 points lost if joker knocked down. Rosettes to 4th, prize for best dressed hat.

Class eight
£14.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
PC90 Barrier Health spring festival qualifier - individuals and teams Read More…

Clear round followed by jump off, pony club qualifying places depends on entries. Team names must be submitted by closing date by email from DC or team manager to secretary.

Class Nine
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
90cm- Santa's power and speed Read More…

One round against the clock, rosettes to 4th. Prize for best dressed hat.

Class ten
£10.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
100cm - Santa's warm up stakes Read More…

Clear round followed by jump off. Rosettes to 4th. Prize for best dressed hat.

Class Eleven
£14.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
PC100 Barrier Health Spring Festival Qualifier, Individuals/Teams Read More…

Clear round followed by jump off, pony club qualifying places depends on entries. Team names must be submitted by closing date by email from DC or team manager to secretary.

Class Twelve
£14.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
PC110 - Barrier Health Spring Festival Qualifier. Individuals/Teams Read More…

Clear round followed by jump off, pony club qualifying places depends on entries. Team names must be submitted by closing date by email from DC or team manager to secretary.

Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 20/12/2024

Refund before Withdrawal date in Full (minus any booking fees). After Withdrawal date only if a vet/medical certificate is sent to Horse Events by the date of the event.

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees

After the closing date if allowed please make any additional changes via your horse events account. If you unable to please contact Horse Events Direct There may be a fee associated with making changes to your entry.

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. After the closing date if allowed please make any additional changes via your horse events account. If you unable to please contact Horse Events direct via our Contact Page

Blackdyke Farm
Login to see distance
Entry information

Entries online at All entries are subject to a non refundable booking fee which will be stated online.

Entries close Friday 20th December.


Clear round £5 max 12

Classes 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10 all £10

Spring Festival Qualifier Classes 6,8,11,12  All £14

Prize for the best decorated hat in each class. (not inc. Spring Festival Qualifiers)

Classes 4, and 9 one round against the clock.

Classes 1, 2, 5 and 10 clear round followed by timed jump off.

Classes 3 and 8 one round, timed, each jump worth its number in points and joker worth 20 points if jumped clear. 20 points lost if joker knocked down.

Edit your entry:

If you would like to edit your horse or rider details change class or cancel your entry before the closing date of the event please login to your Horse Events account and edit your booking under the EDIT ENTRY tab.

For ALL changes of horse and rider substitutions after the closing date there is a £5 charge please fill out the following form online at: 


Entry Conditions

All persons entering, competing or otherwise taking part in these classes shall be considered as having read and accepted the regulations on show schedule.Regulations

All persons entering, competing or otherwise taking part in these classes shall be considered as having read and accepted the following regulations:-

  • Classes will be judged in accordance with Pony Club rules or as specified.
  • Competitors should be appropriately turned out.
  • The Judges decision is final.
  • The Cumberland Farmers North Branch of the Pony Club reserve the right to add/remove classes from the schedule.
  • Riding Hats must be properly secured and be up to the current Pony Club standard with the relevant kite mark.
  • Spur rule applies to Pony Club members.
  • A competitor may be disqualified at any stage and future entries may be refused:

a) for dangerous riding

b) for misuse of whip or spur or ill-treatment of the horse

c) if the horse is lame, sick or exhausted

d) for unseemly behaviour, including bad language

Objections must be lodged within 10 minutes of the results being posted. Any objection must be accompanied by £10 which will be refunded if the objection is upheld.

Team information

Team names and classes must be submitted by closing date an email from DC or Team manager to event secretary please to confirm with membership numbers.

Team managers who have access can view and assign teams online, if you need access please apply on the booking form.


Barrier Health Spring Festival classes competitors or parents are responsible for checking that both horse and rider are eligible to compete in these classes.

Times & Number template

Approx times for each class will be on our website and Facebook page by 27th December.

Please check website in case of cancellation due to weather conditions.

Prizes & Prize Giving

Rally points for CFHN members

Rosettes to 4th place and Prizes/Chocolate boxes/Treats to 1st – 3rd place.


Terms and Conditions

Non-members of the pony club please note- This event is insured for legal liability for accidental bodily injury or loss of or damage to property brought against members of the Pony Club and organisers. If you are not a paid up member of the pony club or an official at this event your actions will not be covered by insurance unless you have arranged your own third party cover. YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO ARRANGE INSURANCE COVER IN CASE YOUR ACTIONS LEAD TO SOMEONE MAKING A CLAIM AGAINST YOU. CFHN branch of the pony club and the organisers of the event are not legally responsible for what you do and their insurance will not cover your actions.