
Courtfield fun ride

13th July 2024
Mainoaks farm, HR9 6JN (Login to see distance)
Event Actions
Booking closes 12/07/2024 13:00

Courtfield fun ride is being organised by Ross Harriers and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Event

A very exciting fun ride around one of Herefordshire’s most beautiful private estates.

Approximately 10 miles in length with optional jumps including hedges of varying sizes, walls, Irish banks, drains, tiger traps and gates amidst the breathtaking scenery on the banks of the Wye.

Useful Dates & Times
Event Opens: 13/07/2024 10:00
Booking Closes: 12/07/2024 13:00
Withdrawal Date: 30/11/-0001
Times Issued: 13/07/2024 (not before 6pm)
(As per ticket booked)
Course Walking: 30/11/-0001 00:00 - 30/11/-0001 00:00
Event Contacts
£25.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Adult ticket for over 16 year olds

To book this event you must be logged in

Click the button to login or register for an account:

Child (under 16)
£15.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Child ticket for under 16 year olds

To book this event you must be logged in

Click the button to login or register for an account:

Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 30/11/-0001

No refunds at any time.

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees

After the closing date please contact the event Secretary to make any changes

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Secretary

Mainoaks farm
Login to see distance
Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions as per organiser