
Chiltern Riding Club Evening Open Dressage Series

14th August 2025
Event Actions

Chiltern Riding Club Evening Open Dressage Series is being organised by Liz Atkinson and the booking agent is Equine Bookings

About this Event

Evening Dressage competition Intro – Elem Open to all

Useful Dates & Times
Event Date: 14/08/2025 17:00
Booking Closes: 09/08/2025 23:00
Withdrawal Date: 09/08/2025
Times Issued: 11/08/2025 (not before 6pm)
(On Organiser's Website (as defined in Organiser Profile))
Event Contacts
Class 1
From£17.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Intro 4 Read More…

May be led or assisted

Not opened Yet
Class 2
From£17.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).

Prelim 2

Not opened Yet
Class 3
From£17.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Prelim 3 or Novice 2 Read More…

Class to be decided on % basis
Please specify which test you would like to ride

Not opened Yet
Class 4
From£17.00 + non-refundable booking fee (charged per ticket).
Novice 3 or Elem 2 Read More…

Class to be decided on % basis
Please specify which test you wish to ride

Not opened Yet
Refund, Withdrawals & Entry Changes

Withdrawal Date: 09/08/2025

Full refund up until withdrawal date, after withdrawal date refund only if replaced from the wait list.

In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees

After the closing date please contact the event Organiser to make any changes

Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser

Checkendon Equestrian Centre
Lovegroves Lane
Login to see distance

Indicated location on map and directions are based on post code so may not be accurate.

Entry information

All classes are open to members and day members. All classes are Open.

We request that combinations do not enter class 1 if entering class 4. Classes 3 and 4 will be placed on a % basis. (Both tests in one of these classes maybe entered but one will be HC)

Entries fees: CRC Members £17 per class Day Members £19 per class

Entries are online at

There is a non refundable booking fee of £1.45 per class.

Entries close 5 days before each show (16th May, 14th June, 11th July, 9th Aug) £4 late entry fee applies and these must be emailed to and paid in advance.

Times will be available online at and Chiltern RC FB page 3 days before each show If you have any queries regarding online entries please contact Horse-Events 07962 251696 not after 7pm or email

Classes will not start before 5pm.

Prizes & Prize Giving

Rosettes to 6th place Warm up and tests on surfaces.

Additional Details

Additional Information:

Points Championship – Points will be awarded for placings 1st = 6pts, 2nd 5pts etc in each class. We will award a Champion, Reserve Champion and Member with highest points in each class. These awards will be presented at a club social event during September.

• All CRC members attending will earn points towards the Viv Lewis Memorial Trophy for best member. • Riders may wear any official CRC long sleeved shirt or jacket.

Terms and Conditions

1. No claims can be entertained for anything that may happen to competitor, their property, their servants, onlookers, horses or vehicles in connection with or arising from this event. It shall be a condition of entry that each competitor shall agree to indemnify the organisers against legal action arising from any mishap.

2. The judge’s decision is final

3. The organisers reserve the right to refuse or reject any entry and to amend or cancel any class or the event at their discretion

4. Full refunds will be given if withdrawal before closing date, no refunds after this unless replaced from waitlist. Full refunds will be given if cancellation due to adverse conditions.

5. Any complaints must be written out and handed to the organiser of the event within 15 minutes of the incident, accompanied by a fee of £15 which will be refunded if the complaint is upheld.

6. Horses must be 4 years of age or over

7. Correctly fitted hard hats to PAS 015 (2011) / VG1 01.040 2014 / ASTM F1163 / Snell E2016 with 3 point fastening secured must be worn at all times when mounted or you will be eliminated

8. Any combination judged to be entered in a class for which they are not eligible may be moved to another class at the Judges’ discretion.

9. Please note that all and any children remain the responsibility of their parents and/or guardians at all times and no responsibility is accepted by the organizers.

10. Any change of horse or rider must be notified to the Secretary at least 15 minutes before the start of the class

11. There must be no mucking out of trailers or lorries onto the ground. All muck and loose hay / bedding must be gathered up and taken home

12. The Organisers have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions all officials, stewards and organisers. Any accident, however small must be reported and recorded at the Secretary’s office.

13. Well behaved dogs are permitted in the lorry area only but MUST be kept on a lead and under control at all times.

Chiltern is an Affiliated Riding Club and all competitions are run under British Riding Club Rules. Please note that these rules may differ from BD, BS, or BE Rules in some instances. Where a specific situation is not covered by Riding Club rules the official rules BD, BS, or BE shall apply.