Charity Eventers Challenge 2025

Charity Eventers Challenge 2025 is being organised by Fiona Morrison and the booking agent is Equine Bookings
Event Date: | 23/03/2025 09:00 |
Booking Closes: | 23/03/2025 15:00 |
Withdrawal Date: | 19/03/2025 |
Times Issued: |
21/03/2025 (not before 6pm)
(On Horse Events Website) |
Course Walking: | 22/03/2025 14:00 - 22/03/2025 18:30 |
Please note medical cover is included in the cost of entry for this event.
maximum height of fences 100cm (Riders any age). Will contain both solid xcountry fences and also knock down working hunter style fences
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maximum height of fences 90cm (Riders aged 17 years and over). All xcountry fences will be solid
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 90cm (Rider’s age under 17 years). All xcountry fences will be solid.
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 75cm (Riders aged 17 years and over). All xcountry fences will be solid
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 75cm (Rider’s age under 17 years). All xcountry fences will be solid
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 60cm (Riders aged 17 years and over). All xcountry fences will be solid.
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 60cm (Rider’s age under 17 years). All xcountry fences will be solid.
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 50cm (Riders aged 17 years and over) Will contain both solid xcountry fences and also knock down working hunter style fences
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 50cm (Rider’s age under 17 years). Will contain both solid xcountry fences and also knock down working hunter style fences.
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 40cm (Riders any age) all fences will be knock down
including a shortened xcountry course of working hunter style fences. Riders may be supported during each Phase with a runner or caller but may not be on lead rein, the class will not be timed.
To book this event you must be logged in
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maximum height of fences 40cm (Riders any age) all
fences will be knock down including a shortened xcountry course of working hunter style fences. Riders will be on lead rein during each Phase and will not be timed.
To book this event you must be logged in
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x-poles riders will ride around the show jumping course including the optional jocker fence, fastest time wins. Class will include a prize for best turned out. You do not need to own your own horse for this class, hobby horses will be there on the day to borrow
To book this event you must be logged in
Click the button to login or register for an account:
In addition to event entry above you can also book the following addons for this Event.
Withdrawal Date: 19/03/2025
Refund before Withdrawal date in Full, After Withdrawal date refund minus an admin fee of £5.00
In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded minus an admin fee of £5.00 per horse and rider combination (Booking fees are non refundable)
After the closing date please contact the event Organiser to make any changes
Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser
Kinnaird Farm
KY15 5TW
Entries via: Horse Events – (£40 for Class 2 – 7) (£35 for Class 1, 8 and 9) (£30 for Class 10 and 11), entries close Wednesday 19th March.
Approximate start times will be posted on Horse events on Friday 21st of March. Course will be available to walk from 2pm on Saturday 22nd of March.
Dogs are welcome but must be kept on leads and clean up after.
Contact: Fiona Morrison – OR Milly Morrison – 07896195016 Please only contact out with office hours.
Competitors will compete over a course of show jumps (Phase 1), including an optional Joker Fence, immediately followed by a shortened round of xcountry (Phase 2) which may include knock down working hunter style fences dependent upon the class entered. The winner of the class will have the lowest combined score, across the two Phases, and subsequently closest to the optimum xcountry time. Rosettes will be awarded to 8th place and prizes in each class. Completion rosettes will be awarded to all competitors in Classes 10 and 11.
Description of Competition:
Competitors will compete over a course of show jumps (Phase 1), including an optional Joker Fence, immediately followed by a shortened round of xcountry (Phase 2) which may include knock down working hunter style fences dependent upon the class entered. The winner of the class will have the lowest combined score, across the two Phases, and subsequently closest to the optimum xcountry time.
Dress code as for Xcountry. Detailed in rules below however of note, no peaked hats body protectors must be worn (hats and body protectors must meet current standards), arms covered to the elbow, stop watches allowed for xcountry Phase only. Whips must be a padded baton.
Phase 1 – Show jumping – (approx. 10 -13 fences) will be scored as a ‘normal’ showjumping class with a maximum time allowed. However, if the optional Joker fence is jumped clear 20 points will be removed from the total score. If the Joker is knocked or refused 10 points will be added to the total score. The Jocker will be 10cm higher than the maximum class height. Competitors may only present once to the Joker Fence. Class 10 riders may be supported but not on lead rein and will not be timed. Class 11 riders will be on lead rein and will not be timed
Phase 2 – Xcountry – will be scored as a ‘normal’ xcountry round with an optimum time. Where knock down fences are included no penalties will be accrued if fences are knocked as per the solid fences. Penalties in all classes can only be accrued for refusals, errors of course. Please note the course will be shortened and will not be the same as the normal hunter trial course. All class heights are approx. however no fence will be greater than the maximum height of the class from base to top of the jump. Classes 1, 8 and 9 will contain both solid xcountry fences and also knock down working hunter style fences. Class 10 all fences will be knock down including a shorted xcountry course, which will be mainly on the flat to help out runners, of working hunter style fences. Riders may be supported but not on lead rein and will not be timed. Class 11 all fences will be knock down including a shorted xcountry course, which will be mainly on the flat to help out runners, of working hunter style fences. Riders will be on lead rein and will not be timed.
Kinnaird Eventers Challenge 2025 Rules:
The judge’s decision is final.
By entering the competition, you agree to have read and fully understood the rules of the competition before attending and agree to abide by all rules as detailed below.
• Competitors must report for a tack check in the warmup area at least 15 minutes before their start time to declare.
• Competitors are required to print off their number and display it within a number bib.
• All start times are approximate however no one will be expected to ride before their start time.
• In the event the competition is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, full refunds minus an administration fee will be returned to competitors.
• In the event the competition is cancelled due to weather conditions the decision will be made by 7am on the 23rd March. Contact: Fiona Morrison – OR Milly Morrison – 07896195016 Please only contact out with office hours.
• In the interest of horse welfare any horse thought to be lame on the day of competition will incur immediate elimination and may not continue.
• A fall of rider in either phase will incur immediate elimination, however a rider may continue at their own discretion. After a second fall of rider, the competitor must leave the course.
• After any fall of rider, the competitor must report to the First Aid team immediately after finishing the course.
• A fall of horse in either phase will incur immediate elimination, and the competitor must leave the course.
• No outside assistance is allowed apart from for competitors in Class 10 and 11. Any outside assistance in Classes 1-9 will incur immediate elimination and the competitor may only continue at the judge’s discretion.
• Where a competitor has been eliminated but allowed to continue, they may only present once to each fence before moving on and outside assistance is allowed.
• Competitors will only be permitted to use the tack and equipment in the practice arena (with jumps) which is permitted in the competition arena for all classes.
• Ponies/horses must be 5 years old and over.
• Grass and balance support reins are only permitted in classes, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
• Competitors may only exercise their horses in designated areas and must not exercise in the car or horsebox park or among spectators.
• Prize giving will be dismounted and held 15 minutes after scores are posted.
• Whips and spurs: Whips must be a short-Padded baton. Excessive use of the whip or spurs will incur immediate elimination of any competitor, and they may not be allowed to continue at the judge’s discretion. In line with British show jumping and Pony Club rules excessive use is described as: o Using the whip before the first fence. o The whip or spur must not be used to discipline or punish the horse/pony nor to vent an Athlete’s temper. Such use is always excessive. o If a Horse’s skin is broken or marked, as a result of the use of the whip or spurs, this is always considered excessive. o The whip is not to be used immediately after Refusal, Run Out or Elimination in either the competition or practice arena. o The arm must not come above the shoulder and the whip should contact behind the riders leg to reinforce the leg aid. o Where the whip is used to support the shoulder. The rider must retain both hands on the reins and apply contact and or direct pressure with the whip down the shoulder. No more than three contacts are allowed on the shoulder whilst in the arena.
• Dress code:
Dress as for xcountry. o Arms must be covered to below the elbow.
Hair: Must be tied up and back (preferably in a hairnet) and securely, in a safe manner to reduce the risk of hair being caught and to prevent scalp injuries.
Hats: hats must be skull caps with no fixed peak. Only hats to the following specifications are acceptable consistent with fellow BEF (British Equestrian) Member bodies in its Standards for Riding Hats: Hat Standard Safety Mark Snell E2016 & 2021 with the official Snell label and number PAS 015: 2011 with BSI Kitemark or Inspec IC Mark (BS) EN 1384:2023 with BSI Kitemark or Inspec IC Mark VG1 with BSI Kitemark or Inspec IC Mark ASTM-F1163 2015 & 2023 with the SEI mark 47 AS/NZS 3838, 2006 with SAI Global Mark
Body Protector: A body protector is compulsory and must meet BETA 2018 Level 3 Standard (blue and black label). o Additional safety equipment can be worn at the discretion of the competitor as long as it is appropriate and fitting. No equipment which prevents a rider from falling from their horse may be worn
Phase 1 – Showjumping – Where a rule is absent, please refer to Pony Club showjumping Rules 2025.
• Penalties o At the end of the showjumping course there will be an additional optional ‘Joker fence’. There is no requirement to jump the Joker, however if jumped clear 20 penalties will be removed from the total score. If the Joker is knocked or refused 10 points will be added to the total score. The Jocker will be 10cm higher than the maximum class height. Competitors may only present once to the Joker Fence. o Knocking down obstacle = 4 penalties o First disobedience of horse = 4 penalties o Second disobedience of horse in whole course = 8 penalties o Third disobedience of horse in whole course = Elimination (Each circle or crossing tracks between fences counts as one disobedience) o Error of course not rectified = Elimination o Starting before the Bell – Elimination o Every commenced second in excess of Time Allowed = 1 penalty o Exceeding 24 penalties (not including time) = Compulsory retirement (Enforced at end of round)
Phase 2 – Xcountry – Where are rule is absent, please refer to Pony Club Eventing rules for x-county 2025.
• Penalties o No penalties will be accumulated for the knocking of a knock down fence in Classes 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11. o First refusal, run out or turning a circle in front of a fence or between a combination = 20 penalties o Second refusal, run out or turning a circle in front of a fence or between a combination = 40 penalties 1 – 100cm o Third refusal, run out or turning a circle in front of a fence or between a combination = elimination
The judge’s decision is final. By entering the competition, you agree to have read and fully understood the rules of the competition before attending and agree to abide by all rules as detailed.
The Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health & safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid & prevent accidents occurring & must obey the instructions of the Organisers & all the Officials and Stewards.
The Organisers accepts no responsibility for any accident, loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause connected with the event and it is a condition of entry that each competitor shall hold the Organisers blameless.
The Organisers reserve the right to refuse entries from any person without reason being given for such refusal.
NO horses or ponies to be left unattended tied to horseboxes/trailers. It is the opinion of the show organisers that this is extremely dangerous and a serious potential for accidents with lose animals being injured, causing injury or escaping onto public highways
All competitors should hold sufficient third party liability insurance to cover any accident they or their animals may cause to others, other’s animals or other’s property
It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure they know the vaccination requirements for any show venue and travel with and provide passports and vaccination records when requested by an official from the show and/or venue
In the interest of safety adults must give due consideration to children whilst riding in the collecting rings.
The number of horses working in in the collecting rings may be limited by number and/or to entrants in the next class only.
The Show Organisers/Stewards/Judges cannot take any responsibility for a competitor missing their class, it is the competitors responsibility to be at the collecting ring in time to enter the ring when called