Barlow Hunt Postal Shoot 2024/25 - Open to all PC Areas
Barlow Hunt

Barlow Hunt Postal Shoot 2024/25 - Open to all PC Areas is being organised by Barlow Hunt Pony Club and the booking agent is Equine Bookings
Event Date: | 01/12/2024 16:57 |
Booking Closes: | 21/01/2025 23:59 |
Times Issued: |
01/01/2025 (not before 6pm)
(As per ticket booked) |
8 & 9 years. 7 metres. 2 hands
11 years and under. 7 metres. 2 hands
14 years and under. 7 metres. 1 hands
25 years and under. 10 metres. 1 hand.
26 years and over. 10 metres. 1 hand.
No refunds at any time.
In the unfortunate situation of the event having to cancel all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees
After the closing date please contact the event Organiser to make any changes
Before the closing date please login to your Horse Events Account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the event Organiser
POSTAL SHOOT 2024/2025
Age on 1st January 2025
1. Tadpole Boys & Girls. 8 & 9 years. 7 metres. 2 hands
2. Mini Boys & Girls. 11 years and under. 7 metres. 2 hands
3. Junior Boys & Girls. 14 years and under. 7 metres. 1 hands
4. Senior Boys & Girls. 25 years and under. 10 metres. 1 hand.
5. Adult Adults. 26 years and over. 10 metres. 1 hand.
All competitors in classes 1-4 must be Pony Club members
Teams In addition to the individual competition, teams can be made up from 3 or 4 members (across any Class) from the same Pony Club Branch.
The best 3 scores will be counted.
There is no limit on the number of teams entered. Please state Team Name on entry and on returned targets.
The competition will be run for 4 months – December 2024 to March 2025. Each competitor to shoot 2 targets of 5 shots each per month.
On receipt of your entries, named targets will be sent to you.
They should be returned to Camilla Bedford (address on schedule) as soon after shooting as possible or via WhatsApp as a photo of target against a light background with the competitor and target number CLEARLY visible. Any targets with a score query (e.g. two shots one hole) must be returned by post.
Any targets not returned by the end of March 2025 will not be counted Static or turning targets may be used.
Targets should preferably be shot at Branch practice, but it is acceptable to shoot them at home or other venues.
In the event of tied scores, positions will be determined by the number of 10s scored across all targets.
Rosettes for the first 6 individuals in each class. Medals to winners.
Rosettes for the top teams, medals if sufficient entries.
Entries Entry fee: £10 per person, no charge for teams.
Entries accepted up to 31st December 2025.
Targets will be sent to team managers.
All targets must be returned by 31 March 2025 or they will not be counted.