Account FAQs

Below are our Account FAQs. Click on the question to view the answer.

How do I update my account details?

Log into your account and then click on the ‘My Account’ tab which will take you to your account dashboard and then select ‘Edit Profile’.

Edit Profile HERE

how do I add a new rider?

Go to ‘My Account’ dashboard, scroll down to riders and select ‘Manage Riders/Horses’ then select ‘Add New Rider’ and proceed.


How do I add a horse?

Once you have added a Rider you can go to ‘Manage Rider/Horses’ from the ‘My Account’ dashboard and then from your list of riders you can add a horse.

Add a Horse to a rider HERE

If you already have the horse added with another rider – just click the clone feature in the top left corner and assign to another one of your riders

I would like to BOOK a horse-event. What do I need to do?

On the homepage click the ‘login/register’ tab in the top right then fill in the fields required and you will be sent an email asking you to set a password, as soon as you have done this your account should be active. You can then add horse and riders to you account and book any event online

How do I become a sponsor of Horse Events?

To find out all you need to know about our sponsorship packages Visit HERE

How do I become a Volunteer

if you follow this link it will take you to the volunteers page and give you all this information and how to apply!

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